About Watch Danish Films

Watch Danish Films is an audience platform to help you discover where you can watch Danish films anywhere in the world.

Browse or search Watch Danish Films to discover live cinema listings where you can book screenings of the newest Danish films in your area, or watch at home with available streaming and on demand platforms in the country of your choice.

Watch Danish Films is designed to make Danish films as easily accessible to audiences as possible, wherever you are in the world.

About the Danish Film Institute

The Danish Film Institute is the national agency for funding and promoting Danish film and cinema culture.

We support the development, production and distribution of Danish films and offer funding for international co-productions.

Support programmes extend to digital games, film education and promotion at international film festivals. A minimum of 25 percent of all subsidies are earmarked for children and youth films.

Situated in central Copenhagen, the Danish Film Institute houses the national Cinematheque and also includes a library and a film studio for children to explore the craft of filmmaking.

We manage the stills, posters and film archives and run the streaming sites filmcentralen.dk for teaching, stumfilm.dk for watching silent films, danmarkpaafilm.dk for exploring historical documentary films and clips, and the carlthdreyer.dk site celebrating Danish auteur Carl Theodor Dreyer.

The Danish Film Institute operates under the Ministry of Culture in accordance with the Film Act of 1997.


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